Greetings and thank you for your interest in the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Inc., Alpha Chapter. Alpha Chapter celebrated its Centennial in May 2023. An organization that was born in Jersey City, New Jersey in 1923 is Still Standing, Still Serving, and Still Strong. I am proud to be the president of Alpha Chapter.
The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Inc. is a professional organization of women educators. We focus on a three-point program: Youth, Education, and Service (YES). Our youth program consists of high school girls which are called Xinos, and high school boys which are called Kudos. We assist our youth with scholarships for college and technical school. They also do numerous community service activities, and each year they attend a weekend youth leadership convention given by different chapters. We also have our Kappa Omicron Tau (KOT) group. This is our college guidance group for females and males who are studying to become educators. We also have our affiliate groups that assist us with our service. Our Anthropos are the men in our lives, and Hub Parents are parents of our Xinos and Kudos.
As we work towards the different components of our YES program we strive to recognize the academic achievement of our youth. Giving scholarships to high school students from surrounding communities who are pursuing degrees in any area of teaching is a highlight of our service.
The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Inc. provides an E-learning Academy with resources for members in order for them to always enhance their teaching skills.
Alpha Chapter is embarking on a new day. As previously mentioned, we reached our 100 year milestone, and we want to last another 100 years. My goal as president is to expand Alpha Chapter membership. You can look on our media pages to find out more about us. But if you want to be part of a sisterhood that supports each other, and grows leaders then Alpha Chapter welcomes you.
Thank you for your interest, and I appreciate you. Keep smiling and hope to see you soon.