It was on Palm Sunday in 1923, that Miss Gladys Merritt discussed the possibilities of a sorority Chapter in Jersey City with her guest. Since Friday of that week would be a holiday, they decided that a meeting could be called at Miss Merritt’s house at that time. Immediate eight other teachers were invited to attend. Only one declined. On Thursday Miss Merritt’s collaborator begged that she give up the idea as too troublesome. This Miss Merritt promised to do, provided there was not enough interest shown.
Friday came and each prospective member was so enthusiastic that they voted in favor of a permanent organization that evening.
A few weeks later, they engaged the services of a Newark, New Jersey attorney, J. Mercer Burrell and became incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey. Because each young lady was at that time a minor, it was necessary to elect trustees. This honor was conferred upon the attorney, Mr. Burrell, Dr. G. E. Cannon, Mr. J. L. Merritt, Mrs. Lottie Cooper and Mrs. Estelle Morris.
The date of incorporation was May 23, 1923 which has become our Founders´ Day.
The Sorority has spread from the Eastern Region to the Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, Far West Regions and has chartered chapters in Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa, and Barbados.
As the founding chapter, Alpha Chapter has the distinguished honor of sharing the rich tradition and history of our founders and organization.