NSPDK International Project – Alpha Chapter participates in the NSPDK, Inc. partnership with AfriCare funding projects on the continent of Africa that range from $30,000-$50,000 every four years.
NSPDK National Project – Alpha Chapter participates in the NSPDK, Inc. support of the Sickle Cell Research Center @ Meharry Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.
NSPDK Local Projects – Alpha Chapter participates with and host a variety of projects which benefit residents of Jersey City and Newark.
RSVP (Retired Sorors Volunteer Program)/Senior Teachers/Second Careers – Alpha Chapter’s retired teachers participate as mentors to new teachers and volunteer to read to children in schools in the Hudson County area.
Health, Hypertension & Nutrition Committee – hosts informational sessions on health topics which especially impact women such as Breast Cancer, Hypertension. Nutrition and Wellness.
Children and Adult Benefits Committee regularly collects and donates needed items to women and children in shelters, senior citizen centers, as well as to organizations that support the blind.