The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., Alpha Chapter Hub Parents are the Affiliate Group which we see as our partners who support our youth groups. As partners, the Hub Parents are available to chaperone with the Xinos and Kudos advisors who plan academic, social and emotional uplifting programs when called upon.
As their primary goal, the Hub parents provide transportation each year to the Xinos Kudos Leadership Conference. To accomplish that goal, they decide and execute three fundraising events.
In addition to fundraising, the parents take on responsibilities that enhance the support needed. The parenting role is realized when assisting the youth with their workshops, service projects, and planned forums which are an integral part of their program. The Hub Parents are present with the youth to provide support in educational learning situations.
Most importantly, the Alpha Chapter Hub Parents fulfill their role as parents by being in the audience when activities, performances, and meetings are given which is the true support that is needed for our youth.