The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. has always had a major concern for the guidance of young adults and undergraduates pursuing a career in teaching. At the conclave in Indianapolis, Indiana, 1941, the idea of Junior Teachers Clubs was discussed, and in 1942, under the leadership of Soror Gertrude A. Robinson, the plan for Junior Teachers Guidance Clubs was adopted. College Guidance Groups were also conceived by Soror Gertrude A. Robinson.
The Junior Teachers Club and College Guidance Groups may be considered as forerunners for the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. Kappa Omicron Tau Division. The first group of KOT’s was sponsored by the Gamma Beta Chapter of Kansas City, Kansas. The College Guidance Division, Kappa Omicron Tau, experienced a period of growth under the leadership of Soror Annabelle Scarborough, Alpha Lambda Chapter, who was the National Chairperson under Supreme Basilei Arthur Mae Norris and Billy J. Mason. Soror Scarborough initiated standardized procedures for organizing KOT groups, designed a pin, membership card and certificate of membership. She sought to make the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. Kappa Omicron Tau Division as highly visible on college campuses as other Greek Letter organizations.
Alpha Chapter inducted its first Kappa Omicron Tau members in the Spring of 2010 under the guidance of Sorors Stacey Abdul-Qawi and Gail Andrew. The five young ladies all attended various colleges and universities in the Newark/Jersey City areas and are dedicated to the work which is required to be a successful educator.